Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Rest of the Trip...

After returning to Brisbane, we had one night before Daddy left for his trip to Tonga and Samoa. He was sick when he left and it seemed like Mommy was due to be sick by then, but luckily she stayed semi-healthy. Aden and Wiley were both doing better but still a little congested. During the week, they were able to see more wallabies and even a koala. They made some friends from South Africa that live at the Bible College and were able to play with their toys and ride their bikes. Aunt Becky from Kudjip came by one night on her way back to PNG from her own trip around the islands. Before they knew it, Daddy was back on Friday. Saturday was a big day. We borrowed the Bible College car and drove ourselves down to the train station. Aden and Wiley loved riding on the train into downtown Brisbane to an area called the South Bank. There, we walked along the river where there are many shops, restaurants, paths, and playgrounds. Aden loved playing on the slides and managed to not get run over by the older kids who were playing tag up and down the slides and all over with no acknowledgment of the smaller kids. After walking around for awhile, we went on a boat that took us down and back up the river through downtown Brisbane. It was a great way to end our time at the South Bank before getting back on the train to come back to the Bible College. Both boys took short naps on the boat, but loved being on the water and taking in all of the sights. The next day, we got to fly on the airplane again. Always a highlight for Aden. We took our now designated seats on the back row and enjoyed the two and a half hour flight north to Cairns. TreeTops Lodge would be our new home for the next three days while Daddy was in meetings. We had a good time there and both boys were good for Mommy during the day and we all went to the Johnsons in the evening where they enjoyed playing with Uncle James and Aunt Joy and Uncle Harmon. One night we even went bowling and Aden got to bowl for free. They had some of the cool shoes in his size and he bowled a 53 in both games. Wiley had a good time as well being passed around to whoever was not bowling at the time. Well, after 25 days of traveling, we flew back to PNG on the 28th. Aden was excited to see Aunt Kathy at the airport when we arrived and was again excited to see the rest of the family when we ate at their house. He was all smiles and giving out hugs freely. I think we all enjoyed being back in our own beds last night and was able to get a good night of sleep. Now it is back to our routines, and hopefully that will include updating this blog a little more regularly.

Friday, May 16, 2008


We are leaving today from Vanuatu to return to Australia, but wanted to get at least one entry in before we go as there was much to write about with our visit here. Despite both boys battling sickness, and then Daddy becoming sick, they have had a great time here at Uncle David and Aunt Sylvia's house. They have a neat wooden train track that Aden enjoyed playing with, a wheelbarrow for rides around their property, and water guns for playing in the water. One day we went to town for a little shopping. Aden did really well with it, but eventually told us, "Aden all done shopping." Wiley just loves being carried around in his carrier and charming all of the vendors. We then met the Isaac family (PNGian missionaries to Vanuatu who have three boys and the youngest one is Aden's age) for lunch at a hotel where there were swimming pools of all shapes and sizes. Aden didn't want to get all the way in, but did enjoy splashing and kicking in each of them.
As for Wiley, he also had a good time exploring new floors. He reached another milestone when he took his first 'Crawl Steps' last night. We knew it was coming and had predicted that it may happen on this trip. This means we are entering a new phase with him by no longer being able to leave him alone in a room for more than ten seconds.
We have all had a great time here in "Vah-Wah-Too" as Aden calls it, and hopefully haven't left all of our sickness here for Uncle David and Aunt Sylvia to get. They took care of us well. I am sure Aden won't soon forget our time here, but right now he is excited to go on another plane ride this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Airplanes--A Cure For The Common Cold!

After a week in a drafty old farmhouse, both Aden and Wiley developed a bad cold with fevers, runny noses and sore throats. It was just in time for a trip to Vanuatu. Aden was actually feeling so bad the night before our trip that Mommy and Daddy were praying if the trip should even happen. The morning of the trip, Aden woke up with a fever and his voice sounded terrible. However, he remembered that it was the day to get on the 'bah-loose' (pidgin for airplane). He was a big helper to assist Daddy in getting the luggage down to the car and we headed for the airport. Despite the fever, Aden enjoyed helping to push the cart full of luggage around. Good thing Daddy could see over the luggage as they pushed because Aden sure couldn't. The nice lady at the counter gave Mommy a big compliment when she asked, "Is that all you have? You still have heaps of luggage allowance." We then ate breakfast while watching the airplanes come and go into the airport. Finally, it was time to get on the plane. We were in the back of the plane in what turned out to be the 'nursery' of the plane with probably five other families with kids under two years of age. Not to brag or anything, but Aden and Wiley were by far the best behaved of the bunch. It was about a two and a half hour flight and even with Wiley's squirminess and Aden's occasional moaning from the fever and sore throat, they were fairly quiet for most of the flight. Aden was excited to get to ride on another airplane, but was ready to get off in 'Vah-Wah-Too.' By this time, the fever was coming back and he needed a place to rest. They are recovering nicely at the Potters' house here in Vanuatu and we will have more stories to come about their time here. We are thankful for the Lord's healing touch on their bodies though (and for their love for airplanes).

Monday, May 12, 2008

Down (Under) on the Farm

Aden and Wiley spent last week with Mommy and her good friend Nikolai ("Neked-why" to Aden) on a farm near Brisbane, Australia. Having seen farms and tractors and cows only in pictures or in his favorite videos, the whole experience was new and exciting for Aden. He loved everything - watching cars go by on the road, throwing grass in the billabong, pushing a toy lawnmower, and entertaining Nikolai's 7-month-old daughter Cherith, who quickly became a good mate for both Aden and Wiley. It was also a bit overwhelming at times. Although Aden loved walking out in the paddock to see the cows, when a large bull poked his head into the old, rusty car where we were playing, Aden lost a bit of his enthusiasm! And while Aden loved looking at all the tractors, trucks, and equipment on our walkabouts, when Philip (the farmer) offered him a ride, the noise of the big machine kept him from getting too close. But when the tractor was quiet, and Mommy climbed into it with Wiley, Aden wasted no time in joining them. Perhaps because the week was such a new adventure, Aden was a particularly good boy all week! As every mother of a toddler experiences, sometimes Mommy begins to wonder if anything she is attempting to teach Aden really sinks in . . . but on the farm Aden impressed everyone with his obedience and quiet manners. Mommy was so proud and thankful to share with her boys a week with a good friend.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Airplane . . . through the eyes of a 2-year-old

The adventure on the airplane started long before we set foot on the tarmac in Mt. Hagen. It probably started the day before we left, when Aden realized we would actually get to go on an airplane, together. He was so excited he began dancing in a mud puddle on our back porch, and even sticking his head in the dirty water. By the time we got to the airport the next day he could hardly wait to get on the plane. But when it was actually time to walk out onto the tarmac and climb the steps up to the plane, he began to get cold feet. it was then that he realized we'd be leaving Bubu Jim and Jo (who had taken us to the airport) back at Kudjip. Even though Aden loves all things that move, and especially big machines (bicycles, vehicles, lawnmowers, tractors, backhoes, airplanes, etc.), he has a healthy fear of them, too, and doesn't like to get too close to them. It had been a year since he had been on an airplane, so he didn't remember what the experience was like. He followed Daddy onto the airplane and to our seats. But he was quite resistant to sitting in his own seat, instead wanting to sit on Daddy's lap. Just before takeoff, Daddy coaxed Aden to sit in his own seat with his seatbelt on, with Daddy's arms tightly around him. But throughout the flight, Aden warmed up to the experience. He snacked on some pretzels Mommy had packed for him, played with a toy train, and looked at a magazine. Soon one of the mornings* came and brought cookies and apple juice, and Aden didn't even have to ask for it! When he was done, the same nice morning* came to take away his rubbish. Wow! Aden needed the security of Daddy's arms again when it was time to land, but by the time we got off the plane, he was running through the corridor to the terminal. Sunday morning we had an early flight from Port Moresby to Brisbane. Daddy picked up Aden out of bed at the last minute, and as he carried him out the door, Aden woke up. Daddy explained what was happening and Aden whimpered, "Mommy." Thinking Aden needed some reassurance, Mommy said, "Yes, Aden, I'm right here." Aden replied with excitement, "Mommy, Aden going to airport!" The adventure was only beginning . . .

*see aden dictionary, at right

"Mine!, Mine!, Mine!..."

Do you remember that scene from Finding Nemo where the birds are all after the same fish and are all saying "Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine" over and over? That is what it sounds like sometimes around our house these days. Aden has entered the stage of thinking everything is his. When Wiley even reaches for one of the 20 or so toy cars Aden has scattered around the house, you hear the familiar phrase, "No, Wiwey, Mine." Even Wiley's toys are sometimes thought of by Aden as "Mine." We have been listening to our Curious George soundtrack again with Jack Johnson's rendition of The Sharing Song that goes "It's always more fun, to share with everyone." It's a catchy tune that we all like, but I don't think the words are sticking yet.
If you are eating right now, the rest of this story may need to wait... recently on our plane trip to Australia, Aden found something that really was his and that we hope he doesn't ever try to share with everyone. Aden had his head on daddy's lap, at which time daddy noticed Aden's nose was quite 'crusty' as he is just getting over a cold. As is his job, daddy proceeds to try and clean out Aden's nose. Aden then interjects with "No Daddy, my booger!"