The adventure on the airplane started long before we set foot on the tarmac in Mt. Hagen. It probably started the day before we left, when Aden realized we would actually get to go on an airplane, together. He was so excited he began dancing in a mud puddle on our back porch, and even sticking his head in the dirty water. By the time we got to the airport the next day he could hardly wait to get on the plane. But when it was actually time to walk out onto the tarmac and climb the steps up to the plane, he began to get cold feet. it was then that he realized we'd be leaving Bubu Jim and Jo (who had taken us to the airport) back at Kudjip. Even though Aden loves all things that move, and especially big machines (bicycles, vehicles, lawnmowers, tractors, backhoes, airplanes, etc.), he has a healthy fear of them, too, and doesn't like to get too close to them. It had been a year since he had been on an airplane, so he didn't remember what the experience was like. He followed Daddy onto the airplane and to our seats. But he was quite resistant to sitting in his own seat, instead wanting to sit on Daddy's lap. Just before takeoff, Daddy coaxed Aden to sit in his own seat with his seatbelt on, with Daddy's arms tightly around him. But throughout the flight, Aden warmed up to the experience. He snacked on some pretzels Mommy had packed for him, played with a toy train, and looked at a magazine. Soon one of the mornings* came and brought cookies and apple juice, and Aden didn't even have to ask for it! When he was done, the same nice morning* came to take away his rubbish. Wow! Aden needed the security of Daddy's arms again when it was time to land, but by the time we got off the plane, he was running through the corridor to the terminal. Sunday morning we had an early flight from Port Moresby to Brisbane. Daddy picked up Aden out of bed at the last minute, and as he carried him out the door, Aden woke up. Daddy explained what was happening and Aden whimpered, "Mommy." Thinking Aden needed some reassurance, Mommy said, "Yes, Aden, I'm right here." Aden replied with excitement, "Mommy, Aden going to airport!" The adventure was only beginning . . .
*see aden dictionary, at right