Friday, December 7, 2007

The Stocking Dilemma is Over!

Wiley James arrived just two months ago, but he already has his own hand-made, quilted stocking like the rest of us in time for Christmas. Mommy is pretty amazing! What is even harder to believe is that it would have been done even sooner if it weren't for the 'dilemma'. It wasn't the color of of the stocking that was so hard to figure out. That was the easy part. It was the name that would go on the stocking. Do we go with the more formal, but actual given name of William? Or do we go with the name that we call him--Wiley? You can see in the picture below what was finally decided. And the stockings were hung from the TV cabinet with care...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love th blog. keep it up. The boys are so cute.
We love you Aden and Wiley