Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Airplane, Bye-Bye!"

One of the recent highlights for Aden was the helicopter that landed at the hospital. It was a Saturday morning and he was still at the breakfast table. Knowing how much he likes helicopters and airplanes, as soon as we heard it coming in for a landing to the field about 300 yards from our house, Daddy grabbed Aden from his highchair and ran with him down to see it land. In his pajamas, with jelly still on his mouth from his breakfast, we made it just in time to see it land and join the other one hundred people or so who ran from their houses when they heard it. We stayed to see if it would just be a quick trip so that we could watch it take off, but we ended up being there for quite awhile. We finally went back to the house to tell Mommy about it, but as long as it was still sitting in the field, there was no way we were just going to stay at the house. It became a family outing and we all went back to see it. Mommy and Wiley eventually gave up and went home, but it finally did leave. Not knowing the difference between the two, Aden began saying "Airplane, bye-bye!" and waving as he went out of sight. And now, every time we walk through that field, he says "Airplane, bye-bye!"  (sorry, in the excitement, we forgot to take any pictures of the event.)

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