Monday, February 25, 2008

Wiley's Disappearing Act

Aden is at the age where he believes if he can't see us, then we can't see him. To hide from us, he often covers his eyes with his hand, or simply turns his back to us, and waits to be found. He is beginning to be more creative in hiding, squeezing himself into cupboards or under the table and calling out, "Mommy! Where Aden go?" We play along and call out for him, showing surprise when we locate the boy who belongs to the voice. At church this past Sunday, Aden noticed Wiley with his eyes closed, peacefully sleeping. He looked at Mommy and said, "Where Wiwey go?" Mommy gently whispered back, "He fell asleep," to which Aden responded, with all the awe a two-year-old can muster, "Wow!"

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