Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wiley's First Movie

Yes, this blog is about both Aden AND Wiley. We haven't said much about him lately, but in honor of Wiley's nine-month birthday today we decided to try something new: our first video post.

Since we only have a semi-fast connection, we've kept it pretty short. You can't see them in the video, but he actually has two new teeth coming in on top! We've heard him say things like "Dada" and "Aden", though we aren't convinced they are intentional or in context. Wiley will have his nine-month check-up tomorrow, and we'll be able to post all his current statistics. Until then, we'll let his smiles show how healthy he is.

1 comment:

Andy and Judy said...

WOW! I think after the giggle and the 'da' he's saying Aunt Judy! What a sweet video!