Thursday, February 19, 2009

Aden Turns 'Fwee'!

On February 18, Aden turned three years old. And if you ask him how old he is, he will tell you just that, "On February 18 I will be fwee." Never mind that it is now several days after. He was so excited that he couldn't quit smiling, and what a day it was. Mommy stayed up the night before getting things ready, so that when he woke up (because sometimes that is before mommy does), there were already balloons hanging and a Happy Birthday sign. There was a Birthday banner that decorated Aden's chair at the table and a "This is Your Day" plate at his place. He got to pick what he wanted for breakfast, so of course we had pancakes and chocolate milk. There was one gift at breakfast. It was a miniature (but just his size) basketball. This turned out to be a controversial gift because Wiley loves balls so much. Because of this, it didn't always sound like a HAPPY birthday. The morning included going to the basketball court with Aunt Judy and inviting Olivia to come and play too. The basketball was part of that, but blowing bubbles proved to be the most fun. For lunch, another present was given. This time it was from Wiley and was two new books. This was perfect, and strategically given at lunchtime by mommy and daddy so that reading new books and taking a nap after lunch sounded appealing. The day was capped off by having Uncle Scott, Aunt Gail, Allison, Emma and Olivia over for dinner. Again, Aden got to choose what we had and so naturally it was "Torteeya" (Tortillas and the works). Mommy made an impressive chocolate/ice cream birthday cake that was delicious and we opened more gifts. We had lots of fun playing, eating and celebrating another year with Aden. What a special blessing he is to his mommy and daddy. Happy Birthday! We love you Aden!! -- Mommy and Daddy


Alison Weinstock said...

Happy Birthday Aden!
PS- The cake looks incredible! Way to go Jill!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he had a good day. You did a wonderful job on the cake.