Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor...

...and what about your cup of water that you leave on the nightstand overnight?
Aden is in the habit of needing a drink of water (once he has been in bed for 15 minutes already) each night at bedtime. Mommy and Daddy have been in the habit of then putting the cup of water on the bookshelf next to his bed.
Recently, Aden found his cup of water that was left from the night before and asked, "What is in my cup, Mommy? Someone is in my cup!"
And here is what we found....

Maybe it is time to roach bomb the house again.
Aden now makes sure that we put all cups in the kitchen, so that "someone doesn't get in my water again."

1 comment:

Andy and Judy said...

Eeew! A lesson learned. Never drink or eat in the dark!