Monday, April 27, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

The boys have found a new place to play. It is within the limits of the yard, out of the sun and rain, on the ground and within earshot of mommy and daddy. Here is how it happened.
Recently, daddy went outside on the back porch to check on the boys who had been playing with their toy cars, dump trucks, backhoes and loaders on the nice covered patio. When daddy came outside, the boys were nowhere in sight.
"Boys, where are you?"
Aden's response came, "we are under here."
"Under where," daddy asked.
And then he saw some movement between the deck boards and realized they were under the porch. Of course! There is dirt under there and how can you play with dump trucks on cement?
"Wiley, are you under there too?"
No response.
"Wiley, if you are under there, say 'Hi, Daddy!'"
"Hi, Daddy" came in a soft voice.
We let them play for awhile, as they were just under the steps and not back under the part of the porch where there are lots of spider webs (although I am sure a day is coming when that part will be explored as well).
Finally, it was getting close to dinnertime so daddy went out to call the boys out from under the porch to get cleaned up. "Jill!" came the call as he watched the boys crawl out. Wiley was covered from head to toe, literally, after he apparently had been dumping the dirt over the top of his head several times. Aden was deserving of a bath, but not nearly as dirty. He seems to stay clean through all of this and it makes you wonder who is dumping the dirt, although he has always been pretty particular about being dirty. Needless to say, we had bath time before dinner. It took one tub of bath water to rinse them off and get the dirt and grime out of Wiley's hair. It took a second tub of bath water to get them clean.
I wish we could say that this 'not so delightful' head and body scrubbing was enough to discourage them from wanting to do it again anytime soon, but just today we had to have (two) baths before lunch. Boys will be boys....


Alison Weinstock said...

Not much to say in response. . . except that this whole deal is really funny! (Well, at least for me since I'm not the one who has to bathe the boys everyday!)


Beth said...

i just want to say that whenever I look at a picture of Wiley I just want to hug him! He is so adorable!
I just caught up on your last 5 posts...congratulations on Aden's potty training. I have been thinking of you. Eli has given me a big run for my money too, but has been dry the last few days!

Love you guys...
Beth (and Brian)