Here are a few of the favorites from the past couple of weeks.
Being a fan of Thomas the Tank Engine has taught him new words like "Comdumptor" for the Conductor. It took Mommy and Daddy awhile to figure that one out.
In this age of gadgets, you shouldn't go anywhere without your "ipod." In Aden's case, his ipod is a three-legged stand that holds your camera when you want to take a picture of someone. "Say Cheese" he (and now Wiley too) will say when the "ipod" is set up and ready. Photo shoots are often done in Aden's room (in a designated chair) before Daddy goes to work.

There is the classic, "When I was a little boy, I used to _______."
He recently noticed a chimney on top of one of the houses. He asked, "What will they say if a dog comes near their house?" We didn't know, but he promptly told us, "not by the hair on my chimney, chimney, chimney!"
One day, Aden told Mommy that they need to have a "meeting." When Mommy asked him what the meeting was about, he responded "a meeting about making some cookies." His meetings usually have an agenda of what we will eat or what we will make to eat.
Daddy was recently playing with Wiley on the couch and making him laugh by kissing him on his tummy. Not to be left out, Aden ran to the couch and said, "Daddy, come make me funny too."

I am sure there are more, and we will try to write them down and do another blog entry. So watch for more 'darndest' things in the future. It won't be long before Wiley is contributing as well (although right now he just tries to say everything that Aden says). We leave you now with one of our favorite Aden sayings,
"See you wayter, after a cwocodile."
Ahhhh- I love it! Aden is quite a clever character! I can't wait to hear more of his new phrases! Have a great week!
i love your boys! i was laughing and laughing at the little sayings that aden does. and i love it that wiley isn't far behind. plus the pics were great! so happy to be your neighbor
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