Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bunkin' Up

Aden and Wiley have officially moved in together! Wiley essentially spends most of his waking hours in Aden's room since that is where most of the toys are, and so it was only natural that they become roommates. Although, having a baby on the way, in a three bedroom house, also has a way of making this seem like a great idea.
To save on 'play space' we decided to go with bunk beds. We found some old ones in the Mission warehouse (where furniture from the last 54 years of the Mission's existence here in PNG is kept) that we converted to a loft bed and then used Aden's existing bed to form 'L' shaped bunk beds. With Uncle Bill's help, we used his vast knowledge, experience, craftsmanship, strength, and patience as both a father and grandfather, and accomplished this in just one afternoon.
Aden slept on the top bunk right away as though he has been sleeping five feet off the ground all his life. The best part to him, of course, is going up and down the ladder. He fell from the second or third step once, and that has been enough for him to be very sure-footed as he backs down the ladder each time. Wiley didn't move in until the fourth night. We still had a little work to do for it to be completely ready for him to move to a 'big boy' bed. He seems to like the idea of sleeping in the same room with Aden though, and after two nights he has slept through the night and loves to be able to get out of his own bed in the morning. He usually walks out of their room in the morning, saying "Big Boy bed." Right now, Wiley is not able to climb the steps and will search to find anyone who is willing to help him up. When he does learn to climb the ladder on his own, watch out!!
With an 'L' shape, you get a little space under the top bunk and beside the bottom bunk that can become a natural 'clubhouse' of sorts. However, this quickly became the boys' cafe. Orders are taken on a magna-doodle. The space between the first and second step of the ladder is the window where orders can be placed as well as picked up. The menu is pretty wide open, but the specialties seem to be chocolate pizza, chocolate pudding, chocolate milk, and Pepsi. You can order whatever you want though. Chances are, they will have it. If they don't, Aden will be quick to let you know. This space has also been an airport and a hospital (probably reflective of where we live and spend a lot of time.) I am sure this space will become many other things over the next few days, weeks, months and years.

1 comment:

Indian Lake Papa said...

Your Grandma at Indian Lake - met the Schmelzenbach's today! I went and got your grandma so she could say "hi"!

Stop by my blog someday!

I am the one who sold your mom the car several years ago!