Sunday, March 23, 2008

He Is Risen . . .

. . . He Is Risen, Indeed! We have had a very blessed and full Easter Sunday! As we reflected on the Risen Savior today, we thought of Wiley's grandfather and some of his great-grandparents who are in heaven with Jesus now, rejoicing around the throne, and rejoicing as they saw Wiley dedicated to the Lord. We started the day with a sunrise service with all of the other missionaries. It was a nice time to reflect on our Risen Saviour and the impact He has had on each of our lives. We sang songs, heard testimonies and then ate breakfast together. (Yes, we made it there with both boys at 6:30 a.m.!!) After that, we went to church where we had Wiley dedicated to the Lord. In true PNG fashion, it was not completely organized, so as we walked into the church Daddy filled out the dedication certificate; when it was time for the dedication, the pastor took a few minutes shuffling us around in front of the church until he had us where he wanted us - in the order of the dedication certificates he was holding. There were probably about 15 children dedicated, with Wiley as the only white baby. The pastor announced the name of each child and his parents, then prayed a prayer of dedication for each one. It was a special, meaningful time and we truly believe that Wiley is in the Lord's hands. While we would have loved to have our families a part of this special day, we were blessed to have so many of our missionary family and especially his namesakes present for this time. Wiley did really well. He slept through the entire event. Wiley James is a special little boy and we know that the Lord is going to use him in a special way someday.

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