Saturday, March 15, 2008


One of the common greetings that we have in Papua New Guinea is to say "Morning" any time between the waking hours and noon. It is often said in an almost melodic tone as we pass by friends or even strangers. I don't think we ever realized how often we did use the greeting until recently....Aden was playing outside with a Papua New Guinean girl. She soon had to leave to go back to school. Aden's latest thing is to ask where everyone went. He is constantly asking, "uh daddy go?" or "uh mommy go?". Well, in the instance of this little girl, Aden came inside and asked, "uh, morning go?" We were later in town at a restaurant. The waiter served us and then tried to talk to Aden. When he left from our table, Aden again asked, "uh, morning go?" When we saw our waiter pass by a few minutes later, Aden exclaimed, "Hi, morning!" Apparently, Aden has picked up on us always saying "Morning" to Papua New Guineans, and he seems to think that everyone with dark skin is called "Morning."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute story. I will have to tell it to my SS class. They will enjoy it.
Love to my little guys and Mom and Dad, too.