Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Airplanes--A Cure For The Common Cold!

After a week in a drafty old farmhouse, both Aden and Wiley developed a bad cold with fevers, runny noses and sore throats. It was just in time for a trip to Vanuatu. Aden was actually feeling so bad the night before our trip that Mommy and Daddy were praying if the trip should even happen. The morning of the trip, Aden woke up with a fever and his voice sounded terrible. However, he remembered that it was the day to get on the 'bah-loose' (pidgin for airplane). He was a big helper to assist Daddy in getting the luggage down to the car and we headed for the airport. Despite the fever, Aden enjoyed helping to push the cart full of luggage around. Good thing Daddy could see over the luggage as they pushed because Aden sure couldn't. The nice lady at the counter gave Mommy a big compliment when she asked, "Is that all you have? You still have heaps of luggage allowance." We then ate breakfast while watching the airplanes come and go into the airport. Finally, it was time to get on the plane. We were in the back of the plane in what turned out to be the 'nursery' of the plane with probably five other families with kids under two years of age. Not to brag or anything, but Aden and Wiley were by far the best behaved of the bunch. It was about a two and a half hour flight and even with Wiley's squirminess and Aden's occasional moaning from the fever and sore throat, they were fairly quiet for most of the flight. Aden was excited to get to ride on another airplane, but was ready to get off in 'Vah-Wah-Too.' By this time, the fever was coming back and he needed a place to rest. They are recovering nicely at the Potters' house here in Vanuatu and we will have more stories to come about their time here. We are thankful for the Lord's healing touch on their bodies though (and for their love for airplanes).

1 comment:

Alison Weinstock said...

I love reading your postings Jill! I try to read them each week to see how you guys are. Love ya!