Friday, May 16, 2008


We are leaving today from Vanuatu to return to Australia, but wanted to get at least one entry in before we go as there was much to write about with our visit here. Despite both boys battling sickness, and then Daddy becoming sick, they have had a great time here at Uncle David and Aunt Sylvia's house. They have a neat wooden train track that Aden enjoyed playing with, a wheelbarrow for rides around their property, and water guns for playing in the water. One day we went to town for a little shopping. Aden did really well with it, but eventually told us, "Aden all done shopping." Wiley just loves being carried around in his carrier and charming all of the vendors. We then met the Isaac family (PNGian missionaries to Vanuatu who have three boys and the youngest one is Aden's age) for lunch at a hotel where there were swimming pools of all shapes and sizes. Aden didn't want to get all the way in, but did enjoy splashing and kicking in each of them.
As for Wiley, he also had a good time exploring new floors. He reached another milestone when he took his first 'Crawl Steps' last night. We knew it was coming and had predicted that it may happen on this trip. This means we are entering a new phase with him by no longer being able to leave him alone in a room for more than ten seconds.
We have all had a great time here in "Vah-Wah-Too" as Aden calls it, and hopefully haven't left all of our sickness here for Uncle David and Aunt Sylvia to get. They took care of us well. I am sure Aden won't soon forget our time here, but right now he is excited to go on another plane ride this afternoon.

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