Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Christmas Time...

We are going to rewind a bit and try to catch you up on the adventures of Aden and Wiley. The hustle and bustle has kept the blog from rolling, but we will try to get it back up to date.
A few weeks ago, we were in Oklahoma and had a chance to help set up the Christmas tree. This was pretty exciting for the boys. Aden was quick to help get all of the branches organized and on the trunk of the tree. Wiley was just having fun moving the branches from one part of the room to the other and climbing inside the tree box.
We kept it fairly simple with just a few ball ornaments and lights, but there were oohs and aahs when the lights were turned on. We capped off the night with some cookies and hot chocolate. The next morning was a 4am departure for the airport to fly back up to Michigan.

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