Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wiley's Breaks the Silence

After a long silence, Wiley has become rather vocal about his lack of attention in the blog. He wanted to share a few things that will help remind everyone that these are the adventures of Aden AND Wiley.

- Wiley now has TEN teeth!

- Wiley loves dogs, and loves to play with balls.

- Wiley is getting big, just like his brother. (Though he doesn't yet weigh 20 pounds.) He is no longer nursing and can even out-eat his big brother.

- Wiley knows FIVE words in sign language (please, more, milk, all done, change).

- Wiley has a HUGE toothy grin.

- Wiley never cried on two flights today, in spite of a "significant" ear infection (diagnosed only yesterday).

- Wiley is on the verge of running, motivated to keep up with big brother Aden.

- Wiley is saying lots of new words, trying hard to earn more space on this blog. So, we have introduced "Wiley's New Words" in the column at the right.

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