Thursday, November 13, 2008


Aden is really moving into a phase of pretend play. Since we saw Tim Radcliffe play basketball a few weeks ago, one of his favorite things to do is to play "Tim." Aden loved to run back and forth in our hotel rooms, or a living room, or a church hallway, telling us to cheer for Tim or asking us to say, "Shoot the ball, Tim!" so that he could throw his arms up in the air. During our hours on the road, he was Tim playing the drums, or it was Tim's birthday and we would all have to sing Happy Birthday to Tim. We would clap for Tim and his amazing basketball abilities. Daddy would change "Tim's" diaper, or give "Tim" a bath, as Aden narrated his activities throughout the day. Just as it got to be quite an obsession, Aden shifted gears a bit. He began to play "Cilla." Cilla was the basketball player, Cilla would take a bath with Lydia (Wiley), Cilla was having a birthday . . . All of this has led into just what you would expect - Daddy and Mommy are now Bubba Jim and Aunt Kathy.

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