Thursday, November 13, 2008

Playing Deputation

All of Aden's time on the front row of our services is starting to surface in his play . . .

Lately he's been playing "deputation," although he doesn't call it that. He usually just announces, "We're mishuwawies" or "We're speaking to all the kids." Then he talks about Samuel and Eli (a story Mommy usually shares), or asks us to sing in Pidgin. Sometimes he'll raise his hands and mimic the latest music leader, encouraging everyone around to "Pwaise the Lord". At least he isn't growing tired of church!


Danielle said...

I'm laughing so hard... way to go, Aden!

Alison Weinstock said...

Love the adorable pics and the 'langwauge' of the boys! :) Happy early Thanksgiving Riggins!
~ Alison