Friday, May 22, 2009

I Want to Wear. . .

Aden has recently started picking out his own clothes to wear some days. It is often times the motivation needed to make getting dressed a big enough event so that he will do it. He has his favorite play clothes like his basketball shorts, Solomon Islands shirt, Third Day shirt, and Shark shirt (as he refers to them). He also has his favorite 'non-play' clothes though too. Recently, he kept asking Mommy to let him wear them to play in. He tried for several days. Well, finally Mommy gave into his persistence. After all, he generally does not like to be too dirty, (although that doesn't always stop him). So, included here are some pictures of what Aden picked out for himself to wear, (along with some of the "faces of Aden.")

The shirt and shorts that he is wearing, are affectionately referred to by Aden as "Bubu Jim shorts" and Bubu Jim shirt." The reason for that is because Bubu Jim has some shorts like this (not exactly, but plaid) and he used to have a shirt like this (same style and colors).  He was pretty excited about being 'Little Bubu Jim' for a day.
Incidentally, a couple of weeks ago the MK High School students had their Spirit Week. Each day was a different theme in which they would dress accordingly (e.g. Nerd Day, Mafia Day, Mis-match Day, etc.) In honor of this and because of the clothes Aden picked out, we decided to declare a Spirit Week of our own and this day as "Bubu Jim Day!" The rain boots are optional.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! How cute is that? I think I'll let Karsten do this and see what he comes up with.

Alison Weinstock said...

What a funny guy! Aden is quite photogenic here (as usual). Happy Memorial Day from Olathe!