Monday, June 30, 2008

Public Service Announcement

At breakfast this morning (after he'd been up for a half hour) Aden announced,

"I'm awake! I came back."

"From where?"

"From my room."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Imagination Airlines

After the recent adventure to Australia, and then watching so many people come and go to and from PNG, Aden is ready for another ride on the airplane (he likes to use the Pidgin word of 'balus'). At first he just used his toy airplane and flew it around the room. Now, he has taken the bed rail off of his bed and imagines it as his 'balus'. When asked where he is going, he will give all sorts of answers. One day it was to see A-Bu and Baka (Uncle Bill and Aunt Marsha) who left three months ago on an airplane and Aden thinks that is still where they are--on an airplane. When he claimed he was not feeling well one day and said he was sick, he was going to go to the 'haus sik' (hospital) to see 'Bubu Jim.' Tonight, he was going to go to "Papa New Ginni" to see "Karen-Dan", which would be 'Gam-ma Karen and Gam-pa Dan' in Ohio. He will often invite "Wiwey Boo" (his new nickname for Wiley that he came up with all by himself) along for the flight. It's a long flight, you know. In the picture you can see that he has all of his essentials. The red plates are for their pizza. The lotion is for 'Wiwey Boo' and Thomas the Tank Engine is just along for the ride because he is one of Aden's good friends. We will see where his imagination takes him next. Get your tickets here. We promise the cost of tickets will not go up because of the cost of fuel.

Monday, June 23, 2008

He's At It Again...

Aden hadn't been building too many towers lately. He has recently revived the art though, perhaps to steal some of the attention back. It's hard to build a tall tower when there is a little brother crawling around and always wanting to be in the middle of whatever big brother is doing. He found a way though to keep Wiley out of the process, and it was actually quite impressive. The towers are now being constructed from on top of the coffee table, which little brother has not learned to pull up on quite yet. To make things more impressive, he has been building them in the back of one of his toy dump trucks. The towers get so tall, since they are on top of the table, that Aden has to get the kitchen stool to stand on so that he can reach the top. His record has been fifteen blocks so far. He gets quite excited with each block, as he runs over to get Daddy high fives. This one is for you, Abu!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gas, Please . . . Pssshhhhh!

As has been well established in this blog, Aden loves playing with his cars. He is very careful with them as he drives them around the coffee table (his favorite place to play cars). Unlike most two-year-olds, he doesn't often let them crash and likes to keep them in neat order. Uncle Bill and Aunt Marsha taught Aden how to take care of cars by filling them up with gas, and they taught him to ask nicely when he pulls into a "station": "Gas, please," and then, of course, the sound of filling up - psshhhh! The phrase and sound effect have carried over to all vehicles and things that move, like toy lawnmowers or the tractors we saw on the farm. A few days ago we were having breakfast with the Radcliffe children and Daddy asked Lydia if she wanted a cinnamon roll. "Yes, please," Lydia politely responded, and Aden immediately repeated what he'd heard - "Gas, please...pssshhhh!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A MAN-icure and Pedicure

As the only female in a house of boys, Mommy sometimes looks for moments to do "feminine" things. Today she decided it was time for a manicure and pedicure. She pulled out all her supplies - clippers, a foot file, emery boards, scrub and lotion, and nail polish - and then filled a bowl with warm water. Aden, of course, was immediately interested. With a bowl of water set on a towel on the floor, and Mommy soaking her feet in it, what 2-year-old wouldn't be curious? He wanted the experience, too, so Mommy washed Aden's feet and put lotion on. Then Aden wanted to know what all the colored bottles were for. And he wanted to try some on his nails, too. That was where Mommy drew the line. She told him he'd have to wait for Daddy. Mommy did get her nails done, just before Wiley woke up hungry, and Aden found his own use for the nail polish - hauling it around in his dump truck!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Eitpela Mun Nau

Wiley is eight months old today! He encouraged us to celebrate by sleeping through the night last night for almost eight hours (the first time since we rerturned from our trip). Wiley wanted us to share with you eight of his favorite tricks and accomplishments at eight months of age:
  1. Crawling
  2. Moving to a sitting position
  3. Pulling up (most of the time to his knees, though he has made it to his feet)
  4. Waving (sometimes on command, most often in his high chair)
  5. Discovering new sounds to make (Mommy's favorite is a very soft "t" sound)
  6. Eating solid food (and shoes, and toys, and paper, and . . .)
  7. Touching his nose with his toes
    eight.  Laughing and giggling

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Catch Phrase

With a vocabulary that is growing exponentially, Aden seems to find new phrases every day. We have some favorites we wanted to share here, a little too long for the 'aden dictionary' . . .

pint-apple - pineapple (he must think we slur the "t")

"Don't say it" - we have no idea where this one came from, but maybe it's when he thinks we're talking about something he's said or done

"Say . . ." - apparently we've asked Aden to repeat a lot of things, or try to say a lot of things. Now he asks us to repeat after him; "say" has also become the new "please", so when he wants something he'll sometimes ask, "Mommy, say Aden pintapple."

uh-no-oise - when we were traveling we heard lots of new noises, and Aden managed to stretch "noise" into a three-syllable word, continually asking us to identify the new sounds he was hearing.

No! Mine! - he is two, and Wiley is into much more these days . . .

Yee-ah - Like "noise", Aden has drawn out "yeah". Even though he is two and enjoys saying no, he also seems to like responding affirmatively (usually when he's sure it's something he'll like, thinks it's good to agree, or if he doesn't understand the question)

Sorry - our sensitive little boy says this when anyone gets hurt, whether or not it was his doing

All done - this is used quite a bit, usually preceded by someone's name (Mommy, Aden, Wiwey), and followed by whatever activity Aden thinks they ought to be finished with (most often sleeping or eating)

poopy diaper - any diaper, clean or dirty

"Mommy coming! Wah dutch*, Wiwey!" - This is Daddy's favorite of the week, and though we've only heard it once, we're almost certain we'll hear it again . . .

*see aden dictionary