Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gas, Please . . . Pssshhhhh!

As has been well established in this blog, Aden loves playing with his cars. He is very careful with them as he drives them around the coffee table (his favorite place to play cars). Unlike most two-year-olds, he doesn't often let them crash and likes to keep them in neat order. Uncle Bill and Aunt Marsha taught Aden how to take care of cars by filling them up with gas, and they taught him to ask nicely when he pulls into a "station": "Gas, please," and then, of course, the sound of filling up - psshhhh! The phrase and sound effect have carried over to all vehicles and things that move, like toy lawnmowers or the tractors we saw on the farm. A few days ago we were having breakfast with the Radcliffe children and Daddy asked Lydia if she wanted a cinnamon roll. "Yes, please," Lydia politely responded, and Aden immediately repeated what he'd heard - "Gas, please...pssshhhh!"

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