Monday, June 23, 2008

He's At It Again...

Aden hadn't been building too many towers lately. He has recently revived the art though, perhaps to steal some of the attention back. It's hard to build a tall tower when there is a little brother crawling around and always wanting to be in the middle of whatever big brother is doing. He found a way though to keep Wiley out of the process, and it was actually quite impressive. The towers are now being constructed from on top of the coffee table, which little brother has not learned to pull up on quite yet. To make things more impressive, he has been building them in the back of one of his toy dump trucks. The towers get so tall, since they are on top of the table, that Aden has to get the kitchen stool to stand on so that he can reach the top. His record has been fifteen blocks so far. He gets quite excited with each block, as he runs over to get Daddy high fives. This one is for you, Abu!

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