Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sitting and Spitting

Wiley is doing both! He is sitting up, and very close to crawling - getting so big! And the house isn't quite ready. Aden didn't really put things in his mouth too much as a baby, and for most of his 'crawling months' we were in the US in other peoples' homes, so we're learning what it means to baby-proof a house. Wiley is also spitting things out as he gets his first tastes of 'real food'.  It's a challenge here, since there isn't really decent baby food available. We were excited to find rice cereal, but discovered that it is loaded with sugar, so now Wiley spits out anything that isn't sweet enough for his palate (which is pretty much everything we give him). Now we know why he loved his baby food so well! On top of that, the baby food Mommy makes isn't always the perfect 'baby-friendly consistency' so he is discovering new textures, too. Usually after gagging his way through a few meals, he adjusts and takes new foods just fine. It certainly is a learning curve for all of us!

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